KattanLand FAQ's

Here are the answers to some questions you may have about this website, and other stuff relating to it :-)
Why don't you have a message board? I don't have a message board for the simple reason that there are a lot of ignorant people out there who are willing and able to post a sample of their ignorance on a nice message board. I would love to have a good, clean, fun, message board for fans of Chris's to post and share info. on, but I have no way to filter out those stupid messages (there probably is a way, but I wouldn't want to take the time and effort), so..... If you really want to find a Chris Kattan message board, click
It's a good place to get info. about tv appearances, etc. if you can ignore some of the rude stuff that some people have said :-)
Do you know Chris's e-mail address? No, I don't know his e-mail address. If he has one, I'm sure he wants to keep it private. I have heard that he does surf the web on occasion.
Are you a friend of Chris's? If I send you mail, can you give it to him?
No, and no. (Believe it or not, people ask me this all the time :-) For now, the only way to get in touch with Chris is to write him at SNL. The address is on the other FAQ page.
Can I take any of the pictures on your photo page?You are free to take any of the pictures on the photo page, as I have borrowed many from other sources. If you do take any pictures, I would appreciate a link on your site to mine, if you are so inclined. However, I won't yell at you if you don't :-)